By joanne laurier 28 june 2016 written and directed by gary ross. Free state of jones, in stark contrast, generally gets the central historical narrative right and even manages to tell some complicated history in a moving and compelling manner. Bynum believes that knight did not necessarily enlist out of fear of conscription but rather because he just wanted to be a soldier. Free state of jones the movie was partly inspired by the free state of jones the book a curious footnote started victoria bynum on a journey to recover the history of a group of deserters who fought to secede from the confederacy.
Knight continued his struggle into reconstruction, distinguishing him as a compelling, if controversial, figure of defiance long beyond the war. Free state of jones is based on the untold and extraordinary story of newton knight, the leader of one of the greatest rebellions in civil war history, and we hear that stx may finance up to. The soontobe released movie the free state of jones is influenced more by the hollywoodnew york mindset and not on historical records, according to a southeastern louisiana university history professor. Written and directed by gary ross, the film revolves around the true story of newton knight played by matthew mcconaughey. Significant, obscure in civil war history full disclosure. Free state of jones is only a week away and the new york times ran a fascinating interview wednesday with its director, gary ross. Telling the story of a confederate deserter in free state of jones. Newton knight november 10, 1829 february 16, 1922 was an american farmer, soldier and southern unionist in mississippi, best known as the leader of the knight company, a band of confederate army deserters who resisted the confederacy during the civil war. Free state of jones is a 2016 american historical war film inspired by the life of newton knight and his armed revolt against the confederacy in jones county. Jun 24, 2016 free state of jones hit theaters on june 24, and matthew mcconaughey takes on a civil war hero. Now we turn to a civil war saga that you may have never. A compelling and littleknown story of the civil war period is studiously reduced to a dry and cautious history lesson in free state of jones. Free state of jones tells the story of a knightled rebellion against the confederacy in jones county, mississippi, whereby the county allegedly seceded and declared itself a free state.
The true story of the free state of jones smithsonian. Jun 17, 2016 free state of jones is only a week away and the new york times ran a fascinating interview wednesday with its director, gary ross. Jan 09, 2016 free state of jones is an epic actiondrama set during the civil war, and tells the story of defiant southern farmer, newt knight, and his extraordinary armed rebellion against the confederacy. Gary ross free state of jones is based on one of the most fascinating true stories of the civil war.
But it involves a real historical time period, so its natural to wonder if free state of jones is a true story. History of the free state of jones welcome to the new. Watch free state of jones online full movie from 2016. Written and directed by gary ross, its held back by a slow, disjointed plot that doesnt. Most notably, it effectively pushes back on some of the most deeply entrenched myths of all. The free state of jones is perhaps mississippis most enduring civil war legend. Opposed to slavery, knight would rather help the wounded than fight the. In bridging the gap between the legendary and the real free state of jones, she shows how the legendwhat was told, what was embellished, and what was left outreveals a great deal about the souths transition from slavery to segregation. Matthew mcconaughey seethes with righteous fury in free state of jones, a tale based on an intriguing, littleknown chapter of civil war history that, despite impeccable intentions, becomes. Jun 23, 2016 but it involves a real historical time period, so its natural to wonder if free state of jones is a true story.
Download all yts free state of jones movies torrents for free in 720p, 1080p, 4k and 3d quality. History of the free state of jones welcome to the new state. Free state of jones begins on the battlefield, with a flurry of the kind of immersive combat action that. Adding further controversy to the legend is the story of newt knights interracial romance with his wartime accomplice, rachel, a slave. Free state of jones 2016 t 2h 19m political dramas in this factbased drama, a rebellious farmer leads a group of civil war deserters in a fight to establish a mixedrace free state in the deep south.
He claims to have researched his subject extensively and consulted with multiple historians, many of whom appear in the. The free state of jones literary works of victoria bynum. Long a staple of folklore, fiction, and history, this anticonfederate uprising has inspired five fulllength books and countless articles and essays. Knight, the life and activities of captain newton knight and his company and the free state of jones ellisville, ms. The new civil war film free state of jones, starring matthew mcconaughey and gugu mbatharaw, is richly researched, but its flat assemblage of history strips out the storys texture and.
Before going to see the movie, has rounded up 5 key things to know about the. Project muse the free state of jones, movie edition. History scrubbed clean matthew mcconaughey stars as a civil war solider who leads other confederate deserters in a rebellion against their former army. Free state of jones and historical accuracy civil war pop. Mississippis longest civil war is vital to our understanding of todays society.
Get your kindle here, or download a free kindle reading app. Jun 24, 2016 banding together with other small farmers and local slaves, knight launched an uprising that led jones county, mississippi to secede from the confederacy, creating a free state of jones. Jun 23, 2016 matthew mcconaughey seethes with righteous fury in free state of jones, a tale based on an intriguing, littleknown chapter of civil war history that, despite impeccable intentions, becomes. Smallest size with best quality and fast downloads at. Victoria begins by explaining the difficulty of separating fact from fiction. The historical imagination and free state of jones the. I was especially struck by rosss investment in establishing the films historical bona fides. For this cause alone we have been treated as savages instead of freeman by the rebel authorities. The new state of jones rests upon the notion that there exists an old state of jones. Newton knight and the legend of the free state of jones.
Jul 12, 2016 director gary rosss free state of jones, however, which depicts the origins and aftermath of newton knights bigender and biracial anticonfederate insurgency in jones county, mississippi, might be the first to properly and historically situate reconstruction in full relation to the war itself, serving as a vigorous repudiation of lost. The true story of the free state of jones a new hollywood movie looks at the tale of the mississippi farmer who led a revolt against the confederacy. Written and directed by gary ross, the film stars matthew mcconaughey, gugu mbatharaw, mahershala ali, and keri russell. It has oscarseason pretensions of significance it doesnt earn, but also lacks the bombast of a historical war epic like saving. A disillusioned confederate army deserter returns to mississippi and leads a militia of fellow deserters and women in an uprising against the corrupt local. Free state of jones the movie was partly inspired by the. Free state of jones is arguably the first hollywood film, with a focus on white southerners, that is decidedly anticonfederate.
Writer and director gary ross talks about free state of jones. Free state of jones begins on the battlefield, with a flurry of the kind of immersive combat action that has long been a staple of american movies. However, you do not have to lose one to embrace the other. Start reading the free state of jones on your kindle in under a minute. Free state of jones certainly looks and sounds right, and probably smells right toothese gunky mississippi battles and unwashed soldiers feel authentic. Matthew mcconaughey rebels against rebels in free state of jones.
Free state of jones reveals a littleknown chapter of. Written and directed by fourtime oscar nominee gary ross the hunger games, seabiscuit, pleasantville, and starring oscar winner matthew mcconaughey, free state of jones is an epic actiondrama set during the civil war, and tells the story of defiant southern farmer, newt knight, and his extraordinary armed rebellion against the confederacy. Jul 12, 2017 free state of jones is arguably the first hollywood film, with a focus on white southerners, that is decidedly anticonfederate. Jul 14, 2016 free state of jones, in stark contrast, generally gets the central historical narrative right and even manages to tell some complicated history in a moving and compelling manner. Free state of jones has the noblest of intentions, but they arent enough to make up for its stilted treatment of a fascinating reallife story. Free state of jones is an epic actiondrama set during the civil war, and tells the story of defiant southern farmer, newt knight, and his extraordinary armed rebellion against the confederacy. The movie free state of jones is a different look at the confederacy from the point of view of a man that grew tired of the army just taking what they wanted and possibly needed for taxes. Free state of jones is an odd film to release in the summer. In the new film free state of jones, matthew mcconaughey plays confederate soldier newton knight, and. As amazing as the concept is, the movie is in fact based on real events and a real man. Free state of jones 2016 trailers and clips moviefone. Free state of jones reveals a littleknown chapter of civil. Newton knight, petition to governor william sharkey, july 15, 1865. Newt knights own son in a memoir about his father describes the founding of the knight company, including the declaration of a free state of jones.
The company, led by newton knight, formed a separate government, with unionist leanings, known as the free state of jones, and fought a recorded 14 skirmishes with confederate forces. Local legends tell of knight and his men forming the free state of jones in the. But to cast free state of jones aside as just another bad summer movie might be missing the point. Jun 24, 2016 gary ross free state of jones is based on one of the most fascinating true stories of the civil war. Free state of jones 2 hours and 19 minutes movie 2016 set during the civil war, free state of jones tells the story of defiant southern farmer, newt knight, and his extraordinary armed rebellion against the confederacy. Based on a true story, free state of jones is a ponderous, overly ambitious, and melodramatic film that tries to cover too much history and fails as a result. We stood firm to the union when secession swept as an avalanche over the state. Jun 05, 2016 the story behind free state of jones share. Matthew mcconaughey thought the free state of jones script was the most exciting civil war story he had ever read, and knew immediately that he wanted to play newt knight. Free state of jones is a film of interest about a part of american history that became relevant to the nation, and continued to inspire social movements years later, if not maybe progressive attitudes of today everywhere, towards less educated people and above all towards the idea of race. Watch free state of jones trailers and video, including teasers, extended looks, exclusive clips, footage, sneak peeks, interviews, and more on moviefone. It tells of a rebellion against the confederacy led by an angry farmer named newton knight, whose ragtag army of poor whites and escaped slaves declared a portion of southeastern mississippi, including jones county, independent and loyal to the union. The free state of jones true story reveals that newton knight enlisted in the army in the early fall of 1861.
Written and directed by gary ross, the film revolves around the true story of newton. The story of the jones county rebellion is well known among mississippians, and debate over whether the county actually seceded from the state during the war has smoldered for more than a century. Im here in jones county, mississippi, to breathe in the historical vapors left by newton knight, a poor white farmer who led an extraordinary rebellion during the. Watch a film clip from free state of jones, starring matthew mcconaughey, gugu mbatharaw, and mahershala ali. A true story of defiance during the american civil war. It has oscarseason pretensions of significance it doesnt earn, but also lacks the bombast of. As if afraid to offend anyone or put a wrong foot in. Regardless of how one feels about these topics, the movie will betray the historical facts and play to 21st century sentiments and drama. A restless, some may say rebellious, spirit stirs from the first generations who settled in jones county near ellisville and seceded from the confederacy to create the free state of jones. Jun 22, 2016 free state of jones is an odd film to release in the summer. Between late 1863 and mid1864, an armed band of confederat.
Free state of jones is an epic actiondrama set during the american civil war, and tells the story of defiant southern farmer. Director gary rosss free state of jones, however, which depicts the origins and aftermath of newton knights bigender and biracial anticonfederate insurgency in jones county, mississippi, might be the first to properly and historically situate reconstruction in full relation to the war itself, serving as a vigorous repudiation of lost. Matthew mcconaughey gugu mbatharaw mahershala ali 2016 in jones county, miss. In the new film free state of jones, matthew mcconaughey plays confederate soldier newton knight, and depending on whom you ask. Free state of jones not free of historical inaccuracies. Feb 25, 2016 regardless of how one feels about these topics, the movie will betray the historical facts and play to 21st century sentiments and drama. It assumed legendary status among some county residents and civil war historians, culminating in the release of a 2016 feature film, free state of jones. Free state of jones hit theaters on june 24, and matthew mcconaughey takes on a civil war hero. Free state of jones is an epic drama set during the american civil war and tells the story of defiant southern farmer, newt knight academy. Free state of jones matthew mcconaughey gugu mbatharaw mahershala ali 2016 in jones county, miss. The true story of the free state of jones is long and complicated and can never be told in an article, blog or two hour movie.
The true story of the free state of jones history smithsonian. Its a slow moving and uneven film that works best when it focuses on knight being a wanted deserter and becoming the southern robin hood of jones county, rising up against the confederacy and creating a rebellion. Free state of jones is a 2016 american historical war film inspired by the life of newton knight and his armed revolt against the confederacy in jones county, mississippi, throughout the american civil war. Free state of jones 2016 cast and crew in 1863, mississippi farmer newt knight serves as a medic for the confederate army. Banding together with other small farmers and local slaves, knight launched an uprising that led jones county, mississippi to secede from the confederacy, creating a free state of jones. Nothing has engendered more controversy than whether or not an independent state was declared in southeast mississippi by newt and his supporters. Jun 21, 2016 the soontobe released movie the free state of jones is influenced more by the hollywoodnew york mindset and not on historical records, according to a southeastern louisiana university history professor. The rebellion in jones county has been variously characterized as consisting of local skirmishes to being a fullfledged war of independence. Jun 28, 2016 but to cast free state of jones aside as just another bad summer movie might be missing the point. Free state of jones, starring matthew mcconaughey as the films hero, newt knight. She is a top notch historian and her work is changing perceptions of the confederacy, reconstruction and civil rights. On october, 1863, a band of deserters from jones county and adjacent counties organized to protect the area from confederate authorities and the crippling tax collections. Newton knight november 10, 1829 february 16, 1922 was an american farmer, soldier and southern unionist in mississippi, best known as the leader of the knight company.
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